Learn more about the power and beauty of Reiki.

We offer Reiki treatments, long-distance healings, attunements, workshops, trainings & courses.

We offer our Reiki services to local clients in the San Francisco Bay Area (San Francisco, Berkeley & Oakland), CA and nationwide clients.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Topics covered in a Reiki Workshops

History of Reiki
Hand Positions
Uses on Food, Animals, Plants, and Crystals
Reiki Principle
Reiki Shares
Passing Attunements
Long Distance healing
Bodies changes during reiki healing
Symbols for Reiki
21-day self-Reiki treatments
Reiki Healing Sessions
Healing Others
Benefits of Reiki

Monday, March 29, 2010

Reiki Guides and Angels

Since Reiki is pure life force energy, the Reiki Guides and anglels also work with the pure Divine Light. You can call on Reiki guides and angels for help. They can assist you with a session on yourself or another person. Reiki guides and angels can also assist you with passing attunements and other information.

Healing With Reiki

Types of healings
1. Self-Healing
2. Healing others
3. Group Healing

1. Self-Healing
Sudents are recommended to give themselves self-healing as they learn about Reiki. Give yourself an hour. Put your hands down and the energy goees where it is needed. Keep them on a position until the energy flow changes and you are directed to move to th next place. Start from the front of the body and move to the back. Start from the topof the head and move towards the feet. Let your guides and your intution move you in the right direction. After completing the entire body, drink a large glass of water and rest a while. You may feel spacey fora few minutes to an hour.Pay attention to the emotions and thoughts that have arisen during the healing.

2. Healing others
Use the same techique that you would use on yourself. Give the session a hour. Put your hands down and the energy goes where it is needed. Keep them on a position until the energy flow changes and you are directed to move to the next place. To begin, the healer sits or stands behind the reciever. Start from the front of the body and move to the back. Start from the topof the head and move towards the feet. Let your guides and your intution move you in the right direction. Be aware of body privacy for adults and children. Also, the healer needsto be fully comfortable during the sessions.

3. Group Healing
This kind of session take less time. All people must be at least Reiki I. A team can consist of two people or more. The receiver gets a strong burst of Reiki in a group healing. Put your hands down and the energy goes where it is needed. Keep them on a position until the energy flow changes and you are directed to move to the next place.

What is a typical Reiki session?

Reiki sessions are done with the clothing on. It may take from a few minutes to an hour to complete a session. Most sessions run about an hour. Adults require longer Reiki sessions than children. Reiki sessions can be done lying down, sitting on a chair, or on a massage table. Reiki sessions usually start with the head and works down to the feet and from the front of the body to the back. Some practitioners start the session with intentions, asking the client what they want to work on, or with prayerwork.

Reiki Shares

Reiki shares are when a group of people gather in community to give and receive Reiki healings. Reiki is discussed. All the particpant get to recieve a mini-wellness session. Mini-sessions last for a few minutes. Reiki shares may be free, by donation or cost some money.

In many Reiki shares, the people can be at different levels of Reiki and also have no experience with it at all. Reiki shares can have 3 people or more. The receiver sits in a chair or lies on a table and the others gather around and put their hands in a position for a few seconds on the reciever.

Reiki shares are best when they are created around clarity, light, fairness, honoring of each other's body privacy and love.


Where can Reiki be utilized?

Reiki can be used at many health-based organizations like:

-senior centers
-yoga centers
-women spaces
-drug treatment
-medical clinics
-domestic violence shelters
-half-way houses
-cancer centers

and many other places....

Aspects of a healthy, balanced life


1. Spiritual & Body care
2. Home
3. Family
4. Friends
5. Personal Time
6. Money & Abundance
7. Higher Learning & Education
8. Romantic Relationships
9. Travel
10. Work & Career
11. Karma Yoga/Volunteering work/Tithing
12. Physical Body care

For more on this topic, visit

Becoming a Better Human Being

Spiritual Tips cheatsheet created by Tanya Thomas (Ten Nebula)
The Ten Nebula Empire

Tips for people to become healthier, better human beings
1. Use active prayer & clear intention to create your reality
2. Drink lots of water
3. Create a daily spiritual practice
4. Get daily exercise
5. Get monthly healing arts treatments/Alternative Medicine
6. Create an altar in your home and work space
7. Get clear about your dreamtime
8. Study the universal laws
9. Be pro-active in your shadow work (dealing with your ego)
10. Strive to become more of your authentic self
11. Spend 1-hour out in nature everyday
12. Get plenty of sleep (at least 8 hours) every night
13. Eat well. Eat foods that are healthy and whole.
14. Give to others on the monthly basis (i.e. donate, volunteer, karma yoga)

Tips for Alternative/Eastern Medicine/ Holistic Health Centers & Practitioners
1.Go Green – purchase recycle paper for the office, use green cleaning products, compost, & recycle

2. Encourage staff to cultivate a daily spiritual practice. Learn more http://adailyspiritualpractice.blogspot.com/

3. Have clear, transparent communication with the public – use websites, offer an info email address, use contact boxes,  have phone numbers, clear business hours, fax numbers, staff directory

4. Donate and support U.S. non-profits (with annual reports & seals) on the monthly or annual basis

5. Use social media to promote your work, centers, businesses, books, films, modalities, workshops, etc.

6. Encourage and support alternative medicine/ Eastern medicines to get clinical trials so they are more accepted by the American public (Ex: Dr. Michael Gregor - https://nutritionfacts.org/

7. Align with and use best business practices & protocols for safety & efficiency– like cameras, job acceptance letters, ADP, termination letters, etc.

Additional Resources - Learn more ways to heal yourself by visiting

Recommended Books & Resources

Reiki books

  • Essential Reiki by Diane Stein
  • The History of Reiki as Told by Mrs. Takata by Hawayo Takata
  • All Women are Healers by Diane Stein
  • Reiki:Hawayo Takata's Story by Haberly
  • The Challenge to Teach Reiki by Clay
  • Living Reiki: Takata Healings by Brown
  • Reiki: Universal Life Energy by Baginski
  • The Reiki Handbook by Arnold & Nevius
  • Essential Reiki Teaching Manual : An Instructional Guide for Reiki Healers by Diane Stein
  • Original Reiki Handbook of Dr. Mikao Usui by Mikao Usui
  • Animal Reiki : Using Energy to Heal the Animals in Your Life by Elizabeth Fulton
  • Reiki the Ultimate Guide : Learn Sacred Symbols and Attunements plus Reiki Secrets You Should Know by Steve Murray
  • Reiki : A Practical Guide by Bill Waites
  • Reiki : A Key to Your Personal Healing Power by Lena Johansson
  • Reiki: The Usui System of Natural Healing by Mitchell
  • Reiki: A Comprehensive Guide by Pamela Miles
  • Reiki: The Legacy of Dr. Usui by Petter & Grimm

  • Tools for Light Beings & Light Workers
    Earth by Barbara Marciniak
    The Pleiadian Workbook by Amorah Quan Yin
    Spiritual Growth by Sonaya Roman
    The Mayan Oracle By Spilsbury & Bryner

    Spiritual Books for Healing
    Hands of Light By Barbara Brennan
    You Can Heal your life By Louise May
    The Amazing Power of Delibrate Intent by Esther and Jerry Hicks
    The Nature of Personal Reality by Jane Roberts
    The Power of Now by Erkhart Tolle
    Change your mind and your life will follow by Karen Casey
    Be Yourself by Mike Robbins
    How Not to Die by Dr. Michael Greger

    Ten Nebula works & contributions
    The Ten Nebula Empire - https://tennebula.weebly.com/
    Ten Nebula Performance Arts - https://870208690950392718.weebly.com/

    Spiritual Teachers & Centers
    NY Open Center - https://www.opencenter.org/
    Omega Institute - https://www.eomega.org/

    Daily Messages of Inspiration

    Learn more, visit "The Ten Nebula Resource Library" - 

    Special Thanks to The Source

    Thank You Goddess for my life
    Thank You Goddess for my body
    Thank You Goddess for my home
    Thank You Goddess for my amazing work
    Thank You Goddess for all my clients & fans
    Thank You Goddess for all my successful businesses
    Thank You Goddess for all my money
    Thank You Goddess for my spiritual family & friends
    Thank You Goddess for my health
    Thank You Goddess for my courage
    Thank You Goddess for being able to help others daily
    Thank You Goddess for my path
    Thank You Goddess for all the light & love in my life
    Thank You Goddess for being me
    Thank You Goddess to my past, present and future
    Thank You Goddess for all that I am and all that I have
    Ten nebula

    Contact Info

    Site created by Tanya Thomas (Ten Nebula)
    Reiki and Light - 

    Ten Nebula is a Goddess Priestess, Reiki Master, Oracle, Channeler, Shamaness and Psychic healer.

    Please feel free to contact me............
    We offer phone sessions, healing treatments, group workshops and workshops.
    I am also available to teach & facilitate workshops around the U.S.


    Contact me: Tennebula@gmail.com

    Make time to "Like Us" on facebook

    Find Ten nebula on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, Linkedin, and Youtube.

    Thank You to All Our Clients!!!!
    Thank you for your business & support!!!!

    Blessed be!!!!!